Affair by Ellen Wille is a glamorous, long wig with light wispy layers. This cut is seamlessly blended and is a gorgeous ready to wear style. The longer fringe frames the side of the face, creating a stylish and elegant feel. An impeccable ear to ear extended lace front offers styling versatility and a seamless, natural appearance. The premium synthetic fiber used to create the Ellen Wille Affair mimics the appearance, feel and movement of biological hair. The Hair Society Luxury Collection by Ellen Wille is 100% hand-tied, monofilament, with a beautiful lace front.
Περούκα Affair της Ellen Wille
550,00 €
Περούκα Affair της Ellen Wille: εξαιρετική ποιότητα κατασκευής, χειροποίητη, με μοντέρνα κουπ και φυσικά χρώματα για πραγματικά εντυπωσιακό αποτέλεσμα!